The Jersey City Incinerator Authority (JCIA) (now the Department of Public Works) wanted to build awareness about the importance of recycling and preserving the environment.
Jones & Associates Communications was commissioned to educate the community about protecting the planet via JCIA and recycling efforts, and to engage residents and businesses in participating in the JCIA Earth Day fair.
Jones & Associates Communications viewed the Earth Day event as an opportunity to include businesses and vendors. We reached out to florists and invited them to teach the community about how plants are good for the environment. Food vendors were invited to provide refreshments and stress the importance of recycling cans and properly disposing of food and packaging.
The JCIA Earth Day Fair was held in a county park, and included food, music, a petting zoo, demonstrations, games and giveaways for people of all ages. The event initially attracted more than 2,000 participants, and over a two-year period, grew to more than 10,000 attendees.
Following the event, we gathered testimonials from attendees and included their comments in radio and cable TV marketing and in press releases. In future years, vendor participation required a fee that was utilized to cover the cost of the event. It proved to be a valuable marketing source for participants who gained statewide exposure.